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Somewhere Over the Rainbow is an LED Hoop… and a Unicorn!

August 31, 2017 3 min read

Somewhere Over the Rainbow is an LED Hoop… and a Unicorn! - Hoop Empire

LED Light Hula Hoop production is not for the faint hearted. In fact, any type of product development requires a lot of resources, including:

  • a solid strategy
  • never-ending time
  • a stack of cash
  • endless energy
  • people power
  • testing platforms
  • eternal patience
  • undying commitment
  • backup (angel investors and/or exit strategies)
  • a supportive, forgiving and loyal fan base
  • passion to create, and
  • tenacity - i.e the inability to give up!

Each stage in the process of development requires booster shots of all of the above.  

When we first embarked on our LED light hula hoop production in 2012, little did we know what we were in for! But, because the hoop market was empty of locally sourced light hoops and the demand was strong, we felt inspired and equipped to take the challenge on.

After raising just over $20,000 through a Pozible fundraising campaign, Mr Hoop Star (aka Nick) and I activated our Sydney based production line and launched the Galactic Rainbow LED Hula Hoop in 2013.

LED Hula Hoop Australia Galactic Rainbow Hula Hoop


Everyone loved the Galactic Rainbow Hoop! We shipped over 400 hoops throughout Australia and across the planet. The support we received from our fans and supporters blew us away. What a treat it was for us to be able to bring this baby to market. Woohoo!!

And then… they started to break. Not all of them, but enough for it to hurt.

On top of that… I was wiped out on stage by a firework on New Year’s Eve 2013. 

Cue backup.

A big part of product development (and life) is failure, which in many ways is a good thing.  Failure informs you of how to create your vision more effectively. Failure gets you that little bit closer to your goals each time.

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Thomas Edison

The really weird thing about light hoops aka “smart hoops” is that many break. Maybe this is not so weird if you consider that smart hoops are hula hoops with tiny computers inside them and an interconnected strip of LEDs. If you think about how you handle your computer and how you handle your hula hoop, it doesn’t seem so weird after all to consider that those magical circular creations can be really fragile when spinning out into the Hoopiverse.

Mr HoopStar and I spent copious amounts of blood, sweat and rainbow tears on this project. At the end of the day, we had to focus on my recovery from the firework incident and our shiny Rainbow light hoop project was put to bed.

But the emails and messages kept coming: “sorry to hear of your accident, but when are you making more light hoops?”

After 4 years I recovered to the point that many people had little idea of any such affair and simply wanted and needed light hoops. Forget the fireworks! It was time to re-ignite an existing and burning desire for my hoop community.

The international market is awash with smart hoops but you’ll be challenged to find one that is affordable and well made. If you have a big bank balance it’s possible. But, Aussie hoopers, be prepared to pay international shipping fees for repairs and deal with the exchange rate. Painful!

Around the same time as we launched we were approached by a company who wanted us to distribute their light hoop. Feeling a bit miffed by the failures that we had encountered, we gave it a miss. Five years and approximately $50K later, we noticed this company had continued to produce the high quality LED hoops that we were dreaming of. We decided to partner.

Which brings me to the best part of the story - the Rainbow Unicorn LED Hoop is ALIVE! 

S/he is the Galactic Rainbow’s improved other half and, after several months of high impact testing in the school yards of Sydney - without a single break - she is now in the hoop market ready to purchase and receiving rave reviews:

“She was SOOOOOO easy to assemble and so much better than original Galactic Rainbow, she sprung to a circle straight away” Tarn

"Ah it’s amazing! Im soo much happier with it than my Galactic Rainbow! I’m loving the durability of it and the new joiner! I’m definitely going to be buying another one so I have twins!" Krista

This is our invitation to you to join our circle of trailblazing hoop developers by snapping up your very own Rainbow Unicorn LED Hoop! By sharing your feedback with us you support us in supporting you, and the broader hoop community. Our mission is to deliver you the best high tek hoop products on the planet at the best price.

Stay tuned for more updates on our high-tech hoop projects by joining our mailing list!

Get your Rainbow Unicorn LED Hoop HERE

Hashtag #RainbowUnicornLEDHoop to be featured in our gallery!